6 Year Old Boy with CP


Pioneer Founding member
I saw this earlier. What a beautiful site. I can imagine how you felt. It brought tears to my eyes too. Not knowing that much about CP, would Michael have had to have had some kind of treatment or therapy to start walking? It doesn't mention it, but if this is the first time he has walked in 6 years, it seems like something must have occurred. The dad had to be blown away. What a wonderful day that was for everyone.


Definitely good intense therapy maybe SCT?


Little Michael probably gets physical therapy. I am not sure if he ever received stem cells. I do know depending on the severity of the condition, some kids walk sooner, some later, and some never, because their condition is too severe. However, stem cell treatment helps all of these children and it seems to help them the most compared to any other condition. This is fact regardless of how many times you hear - it is unproven treatment, dangerous if not FDA approved, etc…
These are the kind of experiences parents can witness more if SCT becomes readily available in the U.S., and the medical procedures would just progressively improve and cure CP one day in the future. So JoAnn from the interview blog with Centeno and Sipp that said, "...brings up emotion that often clouds rational thought." You are so wrong. Witnessing the humanity and tenderness of such an experience, and knowing that it can become more prevalent and readily available, it becomes clear how we can not sit on the sidelines and have the rights of our stem cells taken away? Thanks Barb for taking on the fight with us.
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