1 week since treatment


New member
I can't believe it's already one week since Frank had his treatment.

So far, he has been very tired and is sleeping a lot.

The last two days he has become very congested. We have been suctioning him a lot. Not sure if this is from the stem cells, or if he is getting a cold. I guess we just have to wait and see.

Anybody else experience congestion after treatment?

I need to reread Barb and Jeannie's book again.


Super Moderator
I would not expect congestion to be the product of any stem cell treatment.
Nor would I expect fatigue and sleeping to be, unless there was substantial travel involved for the patient.

I can't believe it's already one week since Frank had his treatment.

So far, he has been very tired and is sleeping a lot.

The last two days he has become very congested. We have been suctioning him a lot. Not sure if this is from the stem cells, or if he is getting a cold. I guess we just have to wait and see.

Anybody else experience congestion after treatment?

I need to reread Barb and Jeannie's book again.


Pioneer Founding member
Jeannine and I ended up with extreme mucous problems and congestion due to what we now believe to have been contaminated stem cells. As you may recall from our book, she spent 8 days in the hospital. I was horrifically ill myself, but did not get hospitalized. Our illness had all the signs of pneumonia. Keep in mind, it is also possible to pick up a "bug" while traveling or even at the clinic or hospital where the treatment is performed. I have given up all air travel because every time I took a flight, I came down with a respiratory problem soon after, including a serious case of pneumonia the last time I flew. Keep a close eye on him and call your stem cell doctor if this continues.