Why does anyone think adult stem cells causes tumors?


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This person said to me: "whenever there is a cell that can divide and replicate there is *always* a chance for it to become cancerous or give rise to tumors. Just that using our own adult stem cell reduce that risk of rejection versus embryonic. Regardless, adult stem cells have been proven to be more and more promising in the field of regenerative medicine."

I have not read of a single case of tumor or other serious side effect from adult(including cord blood) SC. I showed him and others sources. Another person says all my sources are biased. I bet if I used the same sources that show the negetives, this person would instantly believe me. Those who are against stem cells refuse to believe the benefits. What do you guys say? If there is even a risk, how low is it? Like 1 in a million?

Stem cell treatment and tumor risk ? XCell-Center

Adult stem cells do not increase tumor risk

Scientists Use Adult Stem Cells to Fix Tumor Problems of Embryonic Stem Cells

Scientists Use Adult Stem Cells to Fix Tumor Problems of Embryonic Stem Cells

Discovery Institute - Bioethics - Articles/News - Stem Cell News That Isn't Fit For Print

EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS are another potential source for regenerative treatments. But, we pointed out, unlike adult stem cell treatments, ES cells cannot be used in human studies because of two fundamental safety issues. First, they cause tumors in animal studies. For example, in one recent experiment, ES cells were injected into a mouse in the hope they would rebuild the animal's damaged knee. Instead, the cells obliterated the knee by stimulating tumor growth. (More recently, an adult stem cell animal study successfully rebuilt joints without causing tumors.)

"Adult Stem Cells Saved My Life" - Blogger News Network

No human has been injected because of all the complications with embryonic stem cells, including cancer. In the meantime, adult stem cells, without carrying the ethical and moral baggage, continue to work successfully. And with new methods being discovered that make adult stem cells as flexible as embryonic, there is absolutely no need to even go down the embryonic path.

Discovery Institute - Bioethics - Articles/News - Umbilical Accord

And there is even more good news about umbilical cord blood stem cells: Unlike embryonic stem cells, UCB stem cells don't cause dangerous tumors. Moreover, they are easier to tissue-type to prevent rejection than are bone marrow stem cells. And here's another big plus: This research is utterly uncontroversial. No embryos are being cloned. No embryos are being destroyed.

Risk? There have been no cases of tumors from adult stem cells that I could find on Google. The risks are very low and far safer than any drug/surgery.

Someone else said which I agree:

"Placebo effect? Why did she improve this time and not with any earlier treatments? I would think her will to get better wasn't any more this time than during pervious treatments. Everyone is always yelling placebo effect but mysteriously is seems that only the stem cell treatments are providing the 'placebo effects' while western treatments just plain aren't providing any effects."
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