three month check up with ph doctor

karl wagner

New member
Pretty big news. Pam has droped from 45 to 28. 25 being normal.The doctors at the mayo have changed there tune. At first it was well if you have to go out of the country he is a quack. Now it's well we just can't get the funding to catch up with global progress and fda restictions are to stiff. All my heart palpations, chest pains and demons are gone. Sats are leveled out but this problem is due to the copd so i'm going back to treat that. All in all if was a huge sucsess, so far Karl


Pioneer Founding member

This is fantastic news. Would you mind dumbing it down for those of uswho arent familiar with the terminology in your posting.

Also please refresh our memories with details. When did you go? Where did you go? What type of cells were used?


Pioneer Founding member
Way to go Karl

Karl - This is wonderful news. I sure wish the U.S. wasn't dragging behind like it is. Your treatment was very expensive and this means that it would be prohibitive for many, but I am very pleased to hear this news from you. Will you return to the same doctor for therapy for your COPD? Thank you very much for the update and I hope you will post a quick review as Jeannine suggests for those that may have missed your original posts. Also, it is possible to find your posts by clicking on Members on the home page and then Karl and it will then bring up the posts you have made, but it would be a lot simpler with a little recap from you. Thanks again!!!!

karl wagner

New member
O.K. I went with regenocyte and doctor grekos. Its a blood draw in naples fla and he meets you in the dominican. I have to say i'v never had a doctor spend so much time with me. I can't say enough about him. It's extreamly expensive $44,00. but worth every penny to me. To get a triple board certified cardioligist to fly out of the country and do a procedure on you especially from naples Fla its going to cost you.Maby not for everyone but he has had a lot of sucsess with pad and saving diabetics feet by growing new vacular beds. He will tell you quick not eveyone gets somthing out of the procedure
My problem is pulmonary hypertension , the small arteries in the lungs close up or thicken causing pressure to back up to the right side of the heart. It inturn enlarges and fails.I also have what the cat scan showed to be severe emyphosema but i can go so far on the stress tests that they backed it up to light to moderate. the ph is the real killer . The mayo clinc in jacksonville gave me three years to live last fall. I had tests done there right before i went to Dominacan. My big number is the pressure between the right side of the heart and the lungs ( p a m ) right before i went it was 41 . 40 is the breaking point for severe yeasterday it was 28, considerd light with less than 25 being normal.It drew some attention with the doctors there.
The e is what I'm going back for. I have read you need cord blood blood for that but he says he can treat it.And I read an article recently about three men in Argintena that did real good with marrow treatments. Personally i think for a cure your going to have to have the gene cell combo. but this will buy us time........Karl


Pioneer Founding member

Thanks for the details about your experiences. Your improvement appears startling and could not possibly have happened otherwise.

Keep us posted. Unfortunately, I doubt that very many people could afford that treatment.