Testimonial of a MS patient


Pioneer Founding member
Here's a testimonial update from the Nepsis site. I like the way that their site keeps a moving record of how the patient is doing instead of a one time testimonial that may have changed since it was originally given. It is also interesting that an NIH research scientist got treatment. This is good news as it shows her faith in stem cells.

DL, 47, secondary progressive Multiple Sclerosis case. DL, a former NIH research scientist, was treated during May (2009). Within days of her treatment she reported a notable increase in energy and excitedly observed that she was able to lift her arms over her head, something she had been unable to do for quite some time.


New member

Could you give me the site? I went to Nepsis Institute.com and didn't find a place for testamonials or follow-ups.


Pioneer Founding member
It varies, but one thing they have pledged is to keep the prices down as much as possible so that the average "working man" can afford them. I will include this question in the Ask the PhD questions in order to give members a ball park figure.