Stem Cell Treatment


I need some help on renting portable oxygen to take to M.S.C clinic in Rocky Point Mexico,I'll be away from home about 16 hour's and need have oxygen on the 4 hour drive there and back,I'm looking for the kind to plug in a lighter port,My treatment for C.O.P.D is on June 28th,I have the 8 hour tank's but they are a bit heavy and I would need at least three of them or more,just in case, Thank you Jill


New member
Portable Oxygen

I Used The Inogen One, And It Worked Great For Me, Plugs Into Car, And Conventional Electricity, Also Is Battery Operated---only Draw Back--it Is Pulse Metered, If You Need Constant Flow, It Could Be A Problem--there Are Other Models But I Don't Know Their Names-----i Rented Mine From Lincare, Who I Get My Home Oxygen From.


Pioneer Founding member
Another good portable O2 source

Harv posted this in April. He did a lot of checking and found the company he used in Florida to be the most reasonable. Anyone that wants the information can send him a private message and he will undoubtedly be more than happy to give you the information.

Respironics EverGo works well
Just got back from a trip overseas. I rented (and may purchase) a
Respironics EverGo portable concentrator, which can be seen here:
which weighs about 9 pounds, is very small.

This is a pulse-based system, not continuous flow. I am not a COPD patient, and use it for chest pain which I often experience while flying.

It comes on a small cart with handle that extends like a rolling suitcase, or you can carry it on your shoulder. It has 2 batteries, and I took 2 extra batteries.

It also comes with a cigarette lighter adapter for car use, and a power cord for plugging into standard 110/220v outlets. It will charge a set of batteries while being used on a/c power.

I used it for about 12 hours at 5.5 lpm, the maximum setting is 6 lpm. After 12 hours use at 5.5, I had about 1/3 of the life of one set of batteries left and more than 1/2 life of the second set left.

This product appears to greatly exceed the manufacturers specifications.

It is perhaps a bit loud, but was not audible to anyone else on an airplane.

Maintenance consists of washing out a very small foam rubber filter in soapy water and drying it. Very simple.

The unit has a touch-screen display that is extremely easy to operate. I did not need to read the manual to operate it. Works with standard cannulas.

A Respironics dealer in Florida gave me a better rental rate, and better purchase price than anyone else in the country. If anyone is interested, I will PM you the name of the dealer.


Pioneer Founding member
The continuous flow portable concentrator is called the Eclipse and it's made by Sequal. It can do pulsed from 1-6 lpm and continuous flow of 1-3 lpm. I have one and have taken it all over the country and on planes. The same company that rents the Respironics rents the Eclipse. I had no trouble with it - just make sure you have enough batteries if you plan to fly.


Travel Oxygen

Thanks for all the replys,My oxygen company will rent me one,I go for my cell's on the 28th so I'll report on the treatment then,Thank's for all the help


Super Moderator
Here is a site I was looking into. If your own oxygen supplier doesn't rent out the portable concentrators, check out other oxygen supply companies in your area.
This place charges WAY TOO MUCH money for rentals!!
(as do most places.)

The place I rented from was: Medical Department Store in Florida:

For what the other place charges for a week, I got it for a month!!

They also include UPS shipping BOTH ways.