Right Turn: Autism, Stem Cells and the Tooth Fairy


Pioneer Founding member
Signals Blog
Author: Stacey Johnson, 04/04/14
This intriguing title is not completely my own. It is a shorter version of Alysson Muotri’s (UCSD) title from a presentation he gave to the governing Board of the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine on March 13, 2014: “Reversing Autism in the Lab with Help from Stem Cells and the Tooth Fairy.” Dr. Muotri is working at the forefront of Autism Spectrum Disorder and his research interests include using “neural stem cells, human pluripotent cells and several molecular tools to investigate fundamental mechanisms of brain development and mental disorders.”

From a quick online search, I can see that Dr. Muotri is a fan of social media and recognizes its value when trying to reach and engage families with autism around the world. In his talk he describes a Fairy Tooth Kit Collection campaign that he developed to obtain baby teeth to extract pulp cells and convert them into brain cells and he mentions the importance of communicating science clearly so his lay friendly and catchy title makes sense. His research is equally worthy of attention.

Click on the link to watch the video:
