Pulmonary Fibrosis


New member
1: Pharm Res. 2007 May;24(5):819-41. Epub 2007 Mar 1. Links
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive, and often fatal form of interstitial lung disease. It is characterized by injury with loss of lung epithelial cells and abnormal tissue repair, resulting in replacement of normal functional tissue, abnormal accumulation of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, deposition of extracellular matrix, and distortion of lung architecture which results in respiratory failure. Despite improvements in the diagnostic approach to IPF and active research in recent years, the molecular mechanisms of the disease remain poorly understood. This highly lethal lung disorder continues to pose major clinical challenges since an effective therapeutic regimen has yet to be identified and developed. For example, a treatment modality has been based on the assumption that IPF is a chronic inflammatory disease, yet most available anti-inflammatory drugs are not effective in treating it. Hence researchers are now focusing on understanding alternative underlying mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of IPF in the hope of discovering potentially new pharmaceutical targets. This paper will focus on lung tissue repair, regeneration, remodeling, and cell types that may be important to consider in therapeutic interventions and includes a more detailed discussion of the potential targets of current therapeutic attack in pulmonary fibrosis. The discovery that adult bone marrow stem cells can contribute to the formation of differentiated cell types in other tissues, especially after injury, implies that they have the potential to participate in tissue remodeling, and perhaps regeneration. The current promise of the use of adult stem cells for tissue regeneration, and the belief that once irreversibly damaged tissue could be restored to a normal functional capacity using stem cell-based therapy, suggests a novel approach for treatment of diverse chronic diseases. However this optimism is tempered by current evidence that the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis may involve the recruitment of bone marrow-derived fibroblasts, which are the key contributors to the pathogenesis of this chronic progressive disorder. Nevertheless, stem cell-related therapies are widely viewed as promising treatment options for patients suffering from various types of pulmonary diseases. Gender mismatched bone marrow or lung transplant recipients serve as natural populations in which to study the role of bone marrow-derived stem cells in recovery from pulmonary diseases. Understanding the mechanism of recruitment of stem cells to sites of injury, and their involvement in tissue repair, regeneration, and remodeling may offer a novel therapeutic target for developing more effective treatments against this fatal disorder. This article reviews the new concepts in the pathogenesis, current and future treatment options of pulmonary fibrosis, and the recent advances regarding the roles of stem cells in lung tissue repair, regeneration, and remodeling.

PMID: 17333393 [PubMed - in process]

Maureen Hanley

New member
I am fairly new to the site. I have COPD with currently 30% lung capacity.
My daughters father-in-law died just this am from Pulmonary Fibrosis. He had only been diagnosed approx. 6 months ago. At first he was diagnosed with
COPD. Upon the second hospitalization, the Pulmonary Fibrosis diagnosis
became known. He was sent to Cedar's Sanai for evaluation. About 4 weeks
ago he was placed on the lung transplant list. But unfortunately his condition
took a turn for the worse and was sent to the closest Emergency Hospital
where he expired just prior to arrival. This pulmonary disease seems to come on with a vengience. My daughter called me at 4AM, which I am sure was to
connect with me, as she was just here yesterday to do some housecleaning
for me.

I am currently on Oxygen 24/7, but my prayers go out to everyone and anyone with this or any other lung disease like my own.


Pioneer Founding member
Pulmonary fibrosis

I am sorry to hear about your daughter's father-in-law. I lost my dad to what was at the time an inoperable brain tumor back in 1982. This forum is trying to reach out to people to let them know that stem cell therapy may hold the key for them. I am grateful that you shared this with the forum. Everyday new strides are being made with stem cell technology. It is exciting to be part of this new frontier and to have been able to pioneer for those that will benefit in the future from stem cell treatment.