Paul’s Journey with Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Polyneuropathy (CIDP)


Pioneer Founding member
Returning a Doctor to His Patients: Paul’s Journey with Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Polyneuropathy (CIDP)

Posted by Okyanos on July 8, 2015
Dr. Paul, 73
Malaga, Spain
Diagnosis: Hemochromatosis, Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)

Paul's Okyanos Success Story: Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Polyneuropathy (CIDP)As a physician, Paul had dedicated his life to helping others. He lived an active lifestyle, exercising regularly and working hard to provide personalized attention to each and every one of his patients. In his early 60s, however, Paul’s world changed. News of a serious diagnosis and debilitating pain hit him like a brick wall, forcing huge changes to his daily life. For the next decade, he was essentially reduced to a wheelchair.

Paul’s background in medical science led him to Okyanos where his journey back to a more normal life began. Today, now able to walk, Paul is a living example of the healing potential of your own cells—a breakthrough in medicine that he says just might change the world.

From Active Living to ‘Red-Hot Poker’ Pain

About 12 years ago, Paul learned he had hereditary disorder known as hemochromatosis. Around this time, he found himself suddenly getting sweats and experiencing tingling in his lower limbs. Soon after, he learned that the hemochromatosis had caused him to develop not only Type 2 Diabetes but also polyneuropathy (damage to the nervous system that causes numbness and severe pain).

“At first, I started to experience tingling in my lower limbs and some loss of sensation. Eventually the pain was like a red-hot poker jammed up my heels. But the worst thing really was the loss of mobility. I couldn’t stand for more than 2-3 minutes without extreme pain. I was virtually reduced to a wheelchair.”

Searching for Long-Term Relief

Over more than a decade of unbearable pain, Paul became desperate for long-term relief. “I tried everything imaginable: painkillers, water therapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, steroid injections, magnetic resonance therapy (MRT), and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy. I would get some brief relief that would last for a few days, but that’s all.”

Paul was losing hope in finding effective treatment when a professional contact introduced him to the founder of Okyanos Cell Therapy, Matthew Feshbach. As a medical professional, Paul had conducted research with stem cells for years but hadn’t yet considered it as a treatment option for himself.

He discussed his treatment options with the clinical staff at Okyanos. “I was talking with them even weeks and weeks before going there. I had lots of questions and they always made sure I got the answers I needed.” Soon after learning about the treatment, he booked his flight to The Bahamas.

Paul’s Okyanos Experience

From the minute he arrived in Freeport, Paul says he was struck by the warmth and attentiveness of the Okyanos staff. “Everyone was absolutely brilliant, from the nursing and hotel staff, even including the driver, Adrian, who went above and beyond his call of duty.”

Paul was also pleased to find how quick and stress-free the procedure itself was. After arriving late on a Monday night, he had a pre-operative visit to go over the treatment on Tuesday and was treated the following day. He had discussed the procedure at length during the weeks leading up to his arrival, so he knew exactly what to expect.

“After almost half a century in medicine, I’ve seen a lot of operations all over the world, and Okyanos is absolutely amazing. It’s not just the treatment and the equipment but the way people treat you. Dr. Todd came 2 or 3 times to check on me in my hotel room—I don’t know many physicians who would do that.”

A Remarkable Transformation

Paul is thrilled to report that he is now walking 40 minutes every day. Most importantly, without the debilitating pain, he can go back to focusing on what matters most to him: providing personalized care to his patients.

Okyanos Stem Cell Therapy for Neuropathy - Before and Afters of Feet
Peripheral neuropathy, often caused by diabetes, can cause poor blood flow, clawing of the toes and swelling as seen here in Paul’s “before” picture of his feet.

After over a decade of immobilizing pain, Paul found relief and new life at Okyanos.

“Gone is the red-hot poker pain. Also, my feet—diabetics commonly get claw toes where the toes are not straight due to blood flow diminishing, as well as ulcers, skin conditions, and sweating. All those things have disappeared. My toes are now straight; my skin temperature is now warm and not cold. Also, the swelling is virtually gone from my knees down, even after recent flights. My chiropodist checks my foot pulses very diligently and the blood flow and skin quality has improved—she can hardly believe the improvement in such a short period of time.”

Stem Cell Treatment for Polyneuropathy - Before and After Feet
Paul’s feet after stem cell treatment, with swelling reduced, blood flow and coloration improved as well as visible improvement of the clawing in his left toes.

Now more than 12 weeks after treatment, Paul feels like a new man. He is happy to report that without the constant pain in his legs, he is finally able to return to more normal sleep patterns. He is now down to using only half of his normal required daily dosage of his diabetes medicine, and no longer has to worry about his blood sugar spiking. In fact, after his treatment, it’s more likely his blood sugar will be too low!

While at Okyanos, Paul was also able to receive treatment for the bowel incontinence he had been experiencing for some time. After cell therapy, his bowel movements are much more regular and he no longer experiences fecal incontinence or constipation. This simple improvement has done wonders for increasing his quality of life.

One of the most exciting changes though, doesn’t include medical stats. “The people close to me have noticed,” he smiles. “Family and friends say that I have undergone a remarkable transformation in the last few weeks!”

Adult Stem Cell Therapy: The Future is Here

As someone who researched stem cells for many years, Paul is not only excited at his own improvements but also about the future of stem cell therapy for his grandchildren and even their children.

“As we realize the full potential of stem cell medicine, I think there will be vast improvements to the world we are living in. Adult stem cell therapy has absolutely enormous, unfathomable capabilities for treating pain and diseases.”

Okyanos Adult Stem Cell Therapy Facility - Freeport, Grand BahamaPaul muses on the many changes in the field of medicine that have occurred over his years in the field: “In medical school, we were taught if you have heart failure, you take this tablet; diabetes, another tablet.” He shakes his head. “But we’ve got to get away from that. Stem cell therapy is the future. It’s much more natural because it uses the cells that are already in your body.”

Paul encourages anyone going through a similar experience to get in touch with Okyanos. “The treatment was effective, and I had wonderful communication from their team. Doctors, refer your patients! I couldn’t recommend it more highly—100%. I absolutely couldn’t.”