Patients For Stem Cells - Media Watchdog Group - You can help


Pioneer Founding member
I'm sure many of you have read articles in the media or seen videos or television programs where "experts" are quoted or information given that is presented in a biased or unsubstantiated way. This group, Patients for Stem Cells, was formed to point out these shortcomings to authors and give them an opportunity to vet their sources and present opposing views. You can now submit articles you feel are not vetted properly or are biased. There is a difference in an opinion piece and one that is presented as fact. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion as long as it is clear that that's what it is, but to publish articles that are presented as factual without vetting sources is wrong. We should not tolerate bias like this from the media.

Mission Statement for Patients For Stem Cells:
Our mission is to create awareness about the violation of our basic human rights to access our own stem cells for potential life saving therapies, through vetting media sources and enlightening the research community and public of our plight.

Have you read something in the media on stem cells that you feels needs vetting? Please submit the article in the comment box below or email it to Include your name and comments, and if you would like your views included if we vet the article.


Pioneer Founding member
Bill Flook - Looks like this reporter isn't getting the message

Lacks opposing viewpoints: Stability at head of FDA good for biotech
Posted on December 9, 2012


Media item: Stability at head of FDA good for biotech

Publisheed by: Washington Business Journal
Author: Bill Flook, Staff Reporter

On Nov. 8th, 2012 the following letter was sent to Bill Flook, followed by a second request on Nov. 16th, 2012. No response, so we are posting our comments here, and invite a reply from Mr. Flook.

Dear Mr. Flook,

Our group, Patients For Stem Cells, represents patients who have been denied access to our own stem cells because the FDA has regulated our cells as drugs. We oppose this decision and believe it is a violation of our basic rights. Your article, “Stability of FDA good for biotech, say GlycoMimetics CEO”, fails to acknowledge the vested interest that Rachel King, BIO and others have in maintaining the relationship they have established with FDA Commissioner, Margaret Hamburg. In the interests of good journalism, we know that you will undoubtedly be in favor of presenting opposing viewpoints and vetting those that you use as sources in your article. We would like a chance for a few of us to speak with you or correspond with you. Thank you in advance for the opportunity.

Patients For Stem Cells


Pioneer Founding member
SammyJo - Thank you for the update. I hope that Susan Berfield will continue to dig deeper and understand how everyone in the equation, except for patients, has a conflict of interest, no matter how much compassion they may say they have.

I certainly appreciate her inclusion of patients however and feel that she is one of only a handful who has made any effort to understand a patient's viewpoint and actually detail the problems we face from the over reach by the FDA in regulating our own stem cells as drugs. Celltex is but one example and she uses that to showcase the problem.

She also responded in a timely manner which shows that she is certainly well above those who claim to be journalists and yet refuse to respond to inquiries or concerns from the public.