one month pph

karl wagner

New member
Had my one month with Dr. Grekkos yesteday. my sats had dropped off and i thought we would be talking about why this did not work. But the echo showed 15 point reduction in pressure,about 20 %. This is huge . The pressure was suposed to kill me in -+ two years. Also i was having violent heart palpatations and my cheast was tight. All that is gone.The copd which was light in the fall of 06 has gotten worse thats the bad news. So we are going to reevaluate in two month and maybe target the copd with a booster.

All other phers should seek stem cell therapy


Pioneer Founding member
This is the strange thing about stem cell therapy. We may not even realize or feel some of the improvements and changes that are taking place until we think about what we couldn't do before and suddenly realize that we can now do something that previously was impossible. I grumble all the time and then remember that last spring at this time I was horribly SOB and ill again. Thanks for the update Karl. I think you have improved your odds tremendously.