News from our research scientist member


Pioneer Founding member
I received this from cellmedicine. He has certainly accomplished something with the discovery of a new type of stem cell. There is such a vast uncharted territory that it must be quite exciting to be involved in this type of research. He contacted me with a private message, but I really think this kind of discovery lends itself to the open forum. Congratulations to Pioneer member Tom (cellmedicine)

Did you see i discovered a new stem cell? it was all over the news...trying to get it FDA approved...a lot of work and the end of the day the real $$ and real difference we are going to make is in the lately i have pretty much given up on the ICM promotion...if patients come, fine, if not, fine....just trying to publish (we got a bunch of new peer reviewed papers on see "Ichim TE")

anyways how is your life?

I am VERY VERY interested in the lung and COPD, your book was really informative

gonna start animal studies in bleomycin induced fibrosis in mice and give our stem cells and as a control bm derived ones

talk soon
