New Stem Cell Lines Open to Research


Pioneer Founding member
There is nothing short term about this research. It will go on for a long time. I sincerely hope it provides answers for the future rather than just being a very expensive jobs program for scientists. This announcement will not help anyone seeking stem cell therapy today. Many already believe that there are better alternatives to embryonic stem cells and have gone a different direction while the U.S. has been arguing about the ethical questions surrounding this type of stem cell research.


Pioneer Founding member
I should also have added that the old lines were not included reportedly because there was no informed consent given for the use of the embryos. What an expensive experiment that was! I believe autologous stem cell therapy is not being given its fair share of the limelight, whether it be from ignorance, politics, or greed or all of the above. For those that are ill, this has got to change. Once again, EVERYONE, join Ask your friends and relatives to join too. It's free and it's simple and could mean a world of difference to the future of adult autologous stem cell therapy. This is a non profit organization dedicated to improving and saving lives.