My five month progress report.


Pioneer Founding member
Forum members,
My five month progress is due and I wanted people to know that my progress is so subtle at times that if you hadn't done any readings to compare you might not know. I still use oxygen but no longer require greater amounts with exertion. My stamina seems to be stronger. Before I could hardly walk a block without being completely out of breath. I can walk as much as a mile now and getting stronger with less breathlessness. Our new dog is a great walking companion too. I can also work for up to several hours without a break, but a bit slower. I can also breathe deeper without any soreness in the lungs and they don't feel as inflamed or swollen..

The oximeter readings are now consistently 96 to 98 (at rest) My FEV readings have improved to the 400 level which is up from starting at 170. I am getting closer to the expected readings for my age. I have less use of the inhalers, xopenex or aerobid and for the most recent week I no longer needed either. Even though I haven't reached my goal of being completely free of assisted oxygen, sometime in the near future I hope to achieve it. The longest period of time I've been without oxygen is about 2 1/2 hours by mistake of not turning on the concentrator, had to laugh at myself but realized that there really was less need. I shower without and dress as well. I am convinced that I'm better off today from the stem cell therapy than I was 5 months ago but get anxious for quicker recovery. I'll take my patience pill now.


New member
My five month progress report

Thanx for the encouraging report. Speaking of subtle changes, Ward had his stem cell treatment on Thursday. Since his last hospitalization in mid July it's been difficult to get him to eat anything - even his favorite lamb curry and rice. The first thing he said when we got back to the hotel after the treatment was "I'm hungry". We went out to dinner with the other recepients and he and I shared a meal. Afterwards he said, "that was good." And......when I came back from going to the gift shop to look around the first words out of his mouth were "did you get any munchies?" This may seem like not much but when you stop wanting food you're on your way out. I do believe that something had turned around.


Pioneer Founding member
Good news

That is awesome about Ward wanting to eat again. Some people may not have even noticed this change, but as his caregiver, it was something you picked up on right away. I am glad you made it safely to your house sitting job. The next one of these jobs you get, I hope Ward will be the one out walking the dog! Great to hear from you. P.S. Don't forget to get some real nice munchies for Ward. I'm sure he is excited about the post stem cell diet. Actually, I did find some really good cookies at the grocery store. They are made with flax seed and have lots of Omega 3 in them. The brand is Voortman and they have cinnamon in them too. It just says Flax Seed Omega 3 on the front of the package. Another good snack is guacamole if Ward likes that. The diet just takes a little creativity and a little getting used to. Larry (lraynak) gave us a recipe for an awesome tofu stir fry. You'd be surprised at how good you can eat on the diet and it sounds like Ward is going to get to find out now that he is hungry. Very nice news.