

Pioneer Founding member
My stem cell mate and partner in crime, Jeannine, is very ill and in the hospital with infectious colitis. I hope you all will keep her in your thoughts and send her a mental good well wish.



how sorry I am for jeanine after reading your post, of course my thoughts and prayers are with her at this time, I wish her a good recovery.


New member
Please know that Susan and I have you in our thoughts and send all our best wishes for a fast recovery.


New member
Jeannine, hurry up and get out of the hospital. You are in our thoughts and prayers and I am sure you will have a speedy recovery. You have things to do to help the rest of us. Lee


New member
Best wishes Jeanine

Hope that your recover quickly and I definitely appreciate the hard work that you and Barbara put into this forum.



Pioneer Founding member
News from Jeannine's husband

Jeannine is starting to feel a good deal better now.

They have advanced her diet so that she is able to start eating soft solid foods again.
Nothing fancy, spicy, hard, or rough, but at least solid food.
She would really like a cheesesteak sandwich, but it is going to be a while for that.

If these improvements keep up she is hopeful of being up for visitors soon, possibly this weekend.



Pioneer Founding member
I am very pleased to announce that Jeannine was released from the hospital yesterday and is now at home recovering. She still has a ways to go, but at least she can recover in her own home.