James Thompson predicts big changes in the way new drugs will be developed


Pioneer Founding member
Stem cell pioneer predicts reprogramming will change drug development
By Mark Johnson of the Journal Sentinel
Oct. 21, 2009

Stem cell pioneer James Thomson of the University of Wisconsin-Madison told members of the Milwaukee Academy of Medicine that techniques that allow scientists to change human skin cells into something almost identical to embryonic stem cells will change the way new drugs are developed in the next 10 or 20 years.

During a half-hour talk Tuesday night, Thomson guided members of the academy through the revolutionary developments in cell biology -- from his isolation of embryonic stem cells in monkeys and then humans to the cloning of Dolly the sheep by the Scottish scientist Ian Wilmut and finally the reprogramming revolution ushered in by Thomson, his UW collaborator Junying Yu and Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka.

Thomson, who was awarded the academy's 2009 Distinguished Achievement Award, cautioned that the stem cell field is in danger of falling prey to the same kind of hype that greeted the gene therapy field. Nonetheless, he predicted stem cells and reprogramming "will change human medicine in ways we cannot fully predict."

Thomson did stress that stem cell advances are most likely to revolutionize medicine in ways that don't make the front page of a newspaper: for example, by allowing scientists to watch diseases unfold at the cellular level; and by allowing pharmaceutical companies to test thousands of drugs against sick or damaged cells in a laboratory dish.

Although far more attention is paid to the idea of one day treating diseases through cell transplantation, Thomson said that is less likely to take place anytime soon and will probably be too costly for many patients.


New member
Stem cells and drugs

Why are the drug Co's investing hundreds of millions into stem cell research;
Is it because they want cures or is it to treat conditions with drugs instead of cures. I think patents will be a big part of the stem cell picture.
The drug Co's would like to own the patents to develop a "treatment" as there is no money in cures.