Iron Deficiency Increases Cancer Risk


Pioneer Founding member

January 18, 2016
Linda J. Dobberstein, Chiropractor, Board Certified in Clinical Nutrition

In affluent countries and easy access to health care compared to third world countries, one would think that iron deficiency anemia is not a big problem. To the contrary, iron deficiency anemia is a problem. Anemia of all types affects 24.8 percent of the world population which equals about 1.62 billion people. Iron deficiency anemia accounts for about 50 percent of all causes of anemia or about 800 million people worldwide.

Iron deficiency anemia symptoms include fatigue, cold intolerance, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, tachycardia, muscle cramps, and more. More than just the presence of these symptoms, iron deficiency anemia has been found to change underlying healthy physiology. This change caused by iron deficiency anemia creates a higher risk of certain types of cancer. This understanding helps empower individuals to know what their iron status is and restore iron levels when appropriate.

Iron Deficiency Increases Cancer Risk

A 2015 study identified a startling finding associated with iron deficiency anemia and cancer. Researchers found that cancer risk increased as a result of iron deficiency anemia. The overall cancer risk was significantly elevated among patients with iron deficiency anemia. The increased cancer risk wasn’t just localized to gastrointestinal tract, but other areas of the body too. It was found that there was an increased risk of pancreatic, kidney, liver, and bladder cancer.

The study performed was a unique study. Other studies have focused on the cause and effect relationship with iron deficiency and cancer occurrence, but did not account for anemia. The focus of the study was to determine if iron deficiency occurred first and the development of cancer occurred later.

The study was a population-based retrospective cohort study using a database from the National Health Insurance system in Taiwan. This is a universal healthcare program that covers 98 percent of Taiwan residents. There were a total of 32,390 individuals identified with iron deficiency anemia. Of that group, 2,051 patients were diagnosed with cancer during the study. The participants in the study had no prior history of cancer, were at least 20 years of age, and were newly diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. The patients were generally followed for 10 years. Participants who had other types of highly inflammatory diseases, like Crohn’s disease, GERD, ulcers, etc. were excluded from the study. Women were three times as likely to be diagnosed as men with iron deficiency anemia. The average of diagnosis for women was 44 years. The average age when men were diagnosed was 62 years of age.

The researchers used Standardized Incidence Ratio (SIR). This is a measurement used to determine if the occurrence of cancer in a population study is high or low compared to norms and if it is different than expected. An SIR of 1 means, this is considered the norm of the population. An SIR of 2 indicates an excess of 100% more cases than normally expected. For example, if the expected norm is 30 cases in the normal population sample, SIR is 1. If the SIR is 2, then there are 60 cases and a much higher risk.

In this study, patients with iron deficiency anemia had an average SIR of 2.15 associated with increased of cancer. This included both men and women and in all age groups. When they analyzed the numbers further, it was found that men had a SIR of 2.43 and women had a SIR risk of 1.99.

What Happens When Iron is Deficient?

You might be thinking to yourself, well this is kind of an interesting study but does it really apply to me? My doctor said it’s not really a big deal or that things were just a little low with the iron lab tests. It’s just a minor nutrient deficiency. If we dig deeper into physiology, you will find iron deficiency anemia creates a significant ripple effect throughout the body.

Oxidative Stress, DNA Breakdown, and Impaired Mitochondria

Appropriate iron levels are essential for red blood cell formation, function, and bringing oxygen to tissues. This is essential and often the only thing thought about with regards to healthy physiology. The impact of iron deficiency affects fundamental day-to-day molecular and metabolic functions of all cells. For example, iron is essential for mitochondrial function. When iron is lacking in mitochondria, the mitochondria cannot do their job and aging accelerates. High levels of oxidative stress or free radicals occur. Lipid peroxidation or breakdown of essential fats and fatty structures like cell membranes increases. When the cell membrane breaks down, it causes the cells to become highly sensitive to calcium, changing electrolyte status within cells. This changes the entire production of energy or ATP. This happens not only in muscle tissue but elsewhere, like the brain. This calcium build-up, mitochondria dysfunction, and iron deficiency increase the risk for neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

Iron deficiency and consequential challenge to the mitochondria also affects the heart. This leads to an increase in heart stress and increases the risk for congestive heart failure and other cardiac problems. This iron deficiency ripple effect challenges aerobic energy production with the mitochondria ultimately affecting the pumping ability of the heart. The end result is that oxygen is not as available to tissues and leads to impaired cellular energy metabolism. Accumulating evidence points to impaired cellular energy metabolism. Impaired cellular energy metabolism is regarded as the defining characteristic of nearly all cancers regardless of cellular or tissue origin.

Microenvironment Becomes Challenged and Stressed

In addition to the changes in how the body uses oxygen and mitochondria dysfunction, there are several other significant changes. The normal clean-up process of removing cells that are damaged is inhibited, i.e. cellular apoptosis is inhibited. Genomic (gene expression) instability or stressed gene activity and expression occur, resulting in faster aging. There is a change in the nitric oxide synthase activity. The change in this nitric oxide system shifts nitric oxide from being helpful to harmful. As a result, DNA damage occurs, cancer genes are turned on, and friendly DNA repair enzymes are stopped from doing their job. In addition, certain immune cells, the macrophages or the pac-man cells activity is reduced. Their activity of seek and destroy tumor cells are down-regulated.

Iron deficiency causes damage to other types of white blood cells, i.e. lymphocytes and lymphocyte DNA. This creates excess free radicals in the form of ROS (reactive oxygen species) which adds on to the damage. Simultaneously, antioxidant enzyme activities are decreased. This process is linked to the development of human cancer cells and is one of the hallmark activities needed for cancer cells to develop and grow.

Other studies have shown that iron deficiency anemia alters the immune activity of both cellular and humoral (antibody production) immunity. These subtle changes in the microenvironment of the immune system create a permissive environment for cancer development. The microenvironment changes increase cancer cells ability to evade immune destruction thus perpetuating cancer cells.

The authors of this study agree that considerably more study and analysis needs to occur, but they are certainly on to something. Iron is an essential nutrient. It is vital for the immune system, mitochondria, oxygen transport, energy production, and so much more. In a previous article, we found that inadequate iron stores or having a low serum ferritin increases the risk for many health problems. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we also know that iron overload is also related with the increased risk of cancer for other reasons. The irony posed is that iron is needed to prevent cancer but iron overload disorders are associated with an increased risk.

Know Your Iron Status

So what does this mean? Know your iron status and serum ferritin levels. Serum ferritin measures your iron stores and is the first indication if iron deficiency is present. The serum ferritin lab reference range for men is 12-300 ng/mL and women is 12-150 ng/mL. Optimal levels are generally between 50 - 100 ng/mL. Menstruating women often do better with levels closer to 100 ng/mL. A serum iron test tells you what is circulating in the blood. Total Iron Binding Capacity or TIBC tells you if the body has too much or too little iron in the blood. Iron deficiency symptoms include significant fatigue, pale skin, weakness, shortness of breath, headaches, chest pain, dizziness, cold hands and feet, brittle nails, fast heartbeat, poor appetite, restless legs syndrome, sore tongue, frequent infections, and craving ice.

If you are iron deficient, it has consequences throughout your body, but especially your heart, thyroid, muscles, brain, and mitochondria. It also affects obesity and metabolic syndrome. When deficient, use a non-toxic, easily absorbable form of iron like iron bisglycinate that is gentle on the digestive tract and doesn’t create further oxidative stress like ferrous sulfate can trigger. If your iron levels are elevated, then intake of iron thru dietary sources must stop. Medical recommendations often advise giving blood to reduce iron stores.

The fast food medicine approach will often fail to test for serum iron levels, total iron binding capacity, and serum ferritin. Insist on getting these tests done once a year through your healthcare provider to make sure you know what your iron status is. If there is a problem, get more frequent testing. Iron deficiency anemia is more than just a reason for fatigue and feeling cold. As this study indicates, it is a risk factor for cancer development.