How much did Obama's election in 2008 have to do with the course of things?


If Obama had not been elected in 2008 and appointed Hamburg, would cultured cells be regulated as drugs today?


Pioneer Founding member
That's a good question. When she was first appointed, I remember her stating that there would be a lot more regulating coming from the FDA and she was true to her word. Big Pharma plays a huge role in politics and her regulatory policies reflect how badly we need a change in Washington DC. Too many politicians are not watching out for the people. The FDA is an agency that is in dire need of a complete overhaul. It's become so big and so powerful, it's like a huge for profit business. New drug applications bring in billions and billions of dollars for the FDA. Doctors performing medical procedures with a patient's own stem cells do not. How sad is that?

Obama is a big government politician. His appointees reflect that.

And just today, this news on Hamburg -