Good news


Pioneer Founding member
Alzheimer's is treatable with stem cell therapy according to an e-mail I received today from my doctor. This is some really fantastic news. I hope to get more details on this so that I can post more for those of you who need this information.


New member
I need more info!

Hi Barbara,

A friend just asked me if SCB has treated Alzheimers...his uncle has it. Can you please give me the information you have and are we talking dear Dr. F here? If so, should I have my friend call him?

Thanks so much, ;)


Pioneer Founding member

I am not sure what clinics are treating this other than the one that you are talking about. The doctor is on a two week hiatus at a stem cell conference. I will private message you with a new phone number and e-mail he has and also everyone should know that he has agreed to monitor a new topic called "Ask The Doctor" which should be on our forum in mid September. We have asked other doctors to participate also and will let you know if they respond. In our book, there is a page and a half of diseases currently being treated successfully with stem cell therapy and happily for your friend, Alzheimer's disease is one of them.


New member
Need further info on Alzhiemers treatment

Hello Barb:
When I come for my stem cells, we want our brother-in-law and his wife to come with us.
He has stage 6 Alzheimers and approaching stage 7 very quickly.
Does Dr F. do stem cells for Alzheimers?
Tony in Dallas


Pioneer Founding member

I asked the doctor about this last month and his answer was yes, he does do stem cell therapy for Alzheimers. I will send you his new phone number and e-mail in a private message so that you may speak to him about it. We are also going to start the "Ask the Doctor" category after the middle of this month where my doctor will answer questions for us. If anyone has something they would like to ask, please send me an e-mail or a private message via the forum. Also, other doctors are invited to participate. My doctor is the first to respond and I am not sure how we will actually format this or how many questions he will be able to answer. For now, anyone that is interested needs to send questions to me. I am glad I was able to answer this one for you Tony.


New member
Hi Barbara

I didn't searcha ny other forums until today and was very happy to see that there is a treatment for alzheimer's. My mother has it and is slowly getting worse,maybe a little quicker than we hoped. She is only 66 and the disease runs in her family. Her mom and uncle both died from the disease, but they were both in their 80's when they were diagnosed. My mom has been on meds for this for about two years and it doesn't seem to be slowing it down, or if it is i would hate to see how she would be if she weren't on meds. My dad God bless him is a trooper and stays right in there when the bad angry days come, or when she calls us all for advice on how to get to where she is going because she forgot how to get there.

If you have any new news about SCB and there treatments for Alzheimer's please tell me.

Thanks and God Bless


Pioneer Founding member
These types of decisions are tough

The best thing to do is to fill out an application and then you can actually have a consultation with a doctor. I would do this at one or more clinics and see what approaches they are taking and how the results have been and what you might be able to expect for your mother. It's a tough situation, but if you have the funds, personally I would try the treatment for her. The only thing you have to lose is money. You might also get your mom back. Again, this is why we call this forum Stem Cell Pioneers. If anyone has first hand knowledge about stem cell treatment that someone they know has received for Alzheimers, it would be very nice to hear about it.