Forum Fund


Pioneer Founding member
I was asked by someone about the forum fund that I have mentioned that Jeannine and I would like to grow some day to a point where we could help out with patients without enough funds to pay for the entire cost of stem cell therapy. We have a little over $3400.00 that we have saved from our book sales and a few forum referrals. This isn't a lot, but we have hopes that some day it could become a reality. We are always looking for others that share our dreams and would perhaps be interested in getting this off the ground somehow. If anyone has expertise in this type of thing please let us know.

Jesse James

New member
I was just thinking about this the other day.

Start a non-profit group, and solicit celebrity donations. These diseases affect all of them directly, or indirectly I'm sure. Of course regular donations would be very welcome as well.

I have no idea how to start one, but I think it would go over well. Especially if you could negotiate a discount with a preferred treatment/therapy doctor that would be the doc of choice of the group.

Right now $$ is the only thing holding me back from giving stem cells a chance. I'd go tomorrow if I could aford it, and I'm convinced that stem cells are the key to the future of medicine.

I honestly believe that in the USA, drug companies are fighting this tooth and nail. I'm not so sure doctors aren't either. I don't blame them. If I sold a product or service that could be made obsolete, I'd probably try to stop it also.

I'm going to stop here before I really go on an all out rant.....:mad: