EUROPEAN MEMBERS/READERS - Don't let Europe go down same path as U.S.


Pioneer Founding member
Europe wants to impose the same regulations as the FDA has imposed in the U.S. taking away the exemption that allows doctors to administer stem cell treatments as the practice of medicine. If you live in Europe, please take the time to send your comments.

Please click on the link at the bottom for contact information where you can send an e-mail. Here's a sample of what you can write:

Dear European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) and Partner Organizations:

We represent a group of concerned patients and international medical service provider organizations and medical doctors. We advocate and recommend that the EMA maintain the

“European Hospital Exemption for Advance Therapies Guideline” in place, as it is written in its current form, and respectfully request that the European Medicines Agency not impose or restrict doctor’s or hospital’s right to practice medicine under this important provision.

Patients and clinicians have a right to receive and provide advance therapies safely and effectively delivered in a hospital setting, especially for those patients with rare medical conditions or under compassionate care provisions.

Realizing that certain groups are seeking to restrict or eliminate this provision, STEMSO believes that further restriction or elimination of the provision will cause desperate patients and caregivers to seek alternative advanced therapies from underground providers without any oversight and to seek treatments under potentially unsafe conditions.

STEMSO further urges that all concerned patients and medical organizations contact their medical networks throughout the European Community and request that the EMA CAT maintain this important exemption, specifically as it relates to stem cell related therapies.

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If you would like to support this effort, please use the letter above as an example for your personal letter and send to the following European Partner Organizations: