emphysema treatment questions


New member
My 69 y/o brother has emphysema is on oxygen 24/7, stays chronically ill with pneumonia and bronchitis and is unable to do anything other than stay in his home, very rarely out. Is successful stem cell therapy available in US? Anyone that could give me information about where to go to receive this therapy, would be greatly appreciated. Also have sister who has type II diabetes, not a candidate for bypass, Seems stem cell therapy would be the answer for both of them. Thank you.



Pioneer Founding member

There is no stem cell treatment in the U.S. for emphysema. I got my treatment in Mexico at a very small private hospital. There are also clinics in Argentina, Costa Rica and Germany and soon to be in the Cayman Islands besides the one I went to in Mexico that are willing to do stem cell treatment for emphysema. Diabetes is also treated at all of those clinics. If going outside the U.S. is something your siblings are willing to do, please let me know and I will e-mail you with more particulars for the clinics. Stem cell treatment will be available in the U.S., but unfortunately your brother sounds like many of us with COPD. We just could not afford to wait another 10 years until the FDA approves this type of treatment. I believe you can learn a lot from this forum. The forum is moderated by patients who have had stem cell treatment and we have a real nice group of members on here. We also have a caregivers section that I truly wish would become active. Caregivers are very important people!