EMail from CA Gov about the Stem Cell Pioneers


Pioneer Founding member
Last week I wrote to Leeza Gibbons (the Host of Entertainment Tonight) after I heard that Gov Schwarzenegger had appointed her to the stem cell research committee in CA due to her work in creating a foundation for stem cell research for Alzheimer's. Anyway, I thought it would be important for Leeza to know about our forum. She must have felt it was of some importance as well because yesterday I received an email from Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger which I thought I would share with you all:
PS: I removed part of both email addresses so we both don't get spammed.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 4:11 PM
Subject: Re:Stem Cell Pioneers

> Thank you for sending me your email regarding stem cell research. I appreciate hearing from people who care about the important issues facing our state.
> In November 2004, California voters approved Proposition 71, the California Stem Cell Research and Cures Act, authorizing funds for stem cell research in California. The initiative won 59 percent of the vote, but the state has been unable to access voter-approved funds because of a pending lawsuit. The state's trial court has ruled that the measure is constitutional, but the plaintiffs have appealed that decision.
> As Governor, I understand the complexity of this issue and will work to ensure the responsible research called for by the voters. I also remain committed to advancing stem cell research in California because of the promise it holds for millions of people who suffer from injuries and chronic disease. I believe that we cannot fall behind the nations that are making this life-saving science a priority.
> For these reasons, I directed the Department of Finance to issue a $150 million loan to the California Institute Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), which was created by Proposition 71 to make grants and provide loans for stem sell research. I also authorized the issuance of up to $200 million in Bond Anticipation Notes.
> Again, thank you for taking the time to write about this important issue. Your concern shows that people are engaged in the issues that affect the well-being of Californians.
> Sincerely,
> Arnold Schwarzenegger


Pioneer Founding member
Awesome Jeannine

Jeannine - The Gold Star is certainly yours today. California is leading the way, that's for sure. I intend to send a copy of the letter you received to my governor and I would hope others might do the same. It couldn't hurt for those of you in other countries to send it to your leaders also. Stem cell therapy is starting to get the attention it deserves and it is up to all of us to keep the ball rolling. I'll bet you were excited to see this when you checked your mail. I know I would be. Great work.


New member


This Is Great News, We Got The Big Guy In Our Corner, And Yes, It Is A Good Idea To Share This E-mail With Our Governors. Maybe It Should Be Sent To The President Also---


Pioneer Founding member
The views from a Colorado Congresswoman don't reflect reality

One of Colorado's congresspeople, Diana DeGette, was quoted in the Rocky Mountain News yesterday as saying that news of the breakthrough on manipulating human skin cells by adding four genes to them was "overhyped". Ms. DeGette is the new co-chair of Hillary Clinton's health care task force and an adviser on stem cell research. She said she was happy to see the announcement, but it is not a substitute for embryonic stem cell research. James Thomson, who is the leader of one of the two research groups that last week made the announcement said that he believes emphatically that the future lies with the new procedure, not embryonic stem cells. "A decade from now, this will be just a funny historical footnote." Thomson told the New York Times. The Times said it "will not be long before the stem cell wars are a distant memory". I truly have to believe that Thomson would have been a better choice for the stem cell research adviser position that Ms. Clinton gave to Ms. DeGette. When are these politicos going to quit meddling in a debate that is doing nothing more than impeding viable stem cell research in the U.S.? I wrote a letter to the editor stating my views and I will certainly be writing one to Ms. DeGette. I am living proof of how stem cell therapy works and Ms. DeGette is spending tax dollars beating a lame horse. Even when faced with new technology, she is maintaining the viewpoint of so many politicians that only embryonic stem cells hold promise for our future health. What a crock.
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