Co-founder of Stem Cell Pioneers meets w/Ryan today in NH to discuss ObamaCare, small


Pioneer Founding member
Co-founder of Stem Cell Pioneers meets w/Ryan today in NH to discuss ObamaCare, small bus. issues. Says Ryan the real deal. Attentive caring

I met with Paul Ryan for about 30 minutes. Also invited to this round table were NH State Senator Fenton Groen, who owns a home building company, an 80-year old man from Rye Beach and another business man from Fremont NH.
He came in and shook our hands. Great handshake and looks you in the eyes (which I find a sign of good character). He sat down and we each got a turn to tell him our concerns. He found my health insurance renewal including mandatory coverage of breast pumps to be pretty interesting.
(In fact, that comment even caught the interest of the Secret Service guys sitting in the corner of the room). He asked me several questions and took notes. I also disccused the impact the EPA is having on many businesses and landlords.
At the end we each got a chance to gat our pciture taken with him. Everyone else went over to get their photo taken and Congressman Ryan told me "Jeannine, stay where you are and I will come to you" I was very impressed with his consideration.


Pioneer Founding member
That is exciting news Jeannine. You really are an inspiration and I'm glad you were able to voice your concerns.