CMT Charco Marie Tooth Disease


New member
I am considering the Stem Cell Therapy being offered by Stem Cell Biotherapy. I have done tons of research and can't find anyone that has my disease that has had stem cell transplant. If you are out there I would like to hear how your results have been and where you had the process done.

Any help or links on this would be appreciated.



Pioneer Founding member
The Pioneer Trail

I did Google your disease and it actually isn't as rare as one might think according to what I read. To be truthful, I had never heard of it until you became a member. There may be no one else that has had stem cell therapy for it. Jeannine and I were two of the very first people to ever receive umbilical cord stem cell therapy for COPD. We just took the plunge because we could find no one else that had had uc therapy. One very brave man, Nassin, did have adult stem cell therapy for our malady and this gave us encouragement, but the lack of information and experience of others wanting uc therapy for COPD was zilch. This may apply to you as well. Since we were in a lose lose situation, we decided all we had to lose was money (this is important, but how important in relationship to losing your life or living in misery and pain?) and we went for it. I have no regrets whatsoever. There are other members that are basically testing the waters too. Harv has had two treatments and a trip to another clinic where he decided against treatment. Karl just got back after being a first. If you read through the posts you will see how many others have pioneered. Maybe you will get a response and that would make my day too. Please keep us posted on your quest.


New member
Dr. opinion


Thanks for your reply and the research you did on google. I talked to my Nuroligist today and believe it or not he has been staying up with the Stem Cell Therapy. It was a happy note that not all Dr.'s are locked into the governmental problems of the US. Regretfully he recommends waiting until I can find someone that has my disease that has tested the water. Money being a big factor at my house, I don't need to put it into somethig totaly in the dark. At least not right know. He explained how different my disease is to the nerve problems that have been treated and it made since to me that they are not a good indicator of results. My next step will be to contact Stem Cell Biotherapy just on th chance that they have treated this before or a disease that is more related to mine. In the mean time I wil continue my search for someone with this disease that has completed therapy. All of you that read this, please keep me in mind as you do your own searching.
