Clinical Trials or published articles?


Pioneer Founding member
I am forwarding this message for Kseeva in the hopes that another member may be able to help. I did tell Kseeva that for many of us, we just had to decide for ourselves because there are no trials and many of our doctors were against the idea. As for other family members - now that can be tough!

This is the message:

hi barbra this year i am very interested to go to mexico stemcell clinicbut
non of my drs. are sopporing any kind of stemcell therapy becuase all are not
medicaly trials done in australia. so any members can let me know any of
therapies has any publised articales in a medical journal. with this i can
convince the dr.and my family.
to babara

hi babara thanks for you infomations.i know our drs donot support stemcell treatment. i will get more infomations about EDJOHNS ONE HAD THE CLINIC ON MEXICO. THANKS FOR YOU HELP.


Pioneer Founding member
Looking for help -

Ed is a good one to talk to. He works for SCB. He has MS and is doing well. There are other clinics that you should speak to also in my opinion, so that you can compare what the treatments will be and how many patients they have dealt with that have MS. I am hoping someone will respond to your post about convincing family members what you want to do when your doctors don't support it. There are others that have had this problem and I hope they will give you their stories. Maybe, it would be helpful for a family member to participate in a consultation between a stem cell doctor and you. Most companies will have a doctor consult with you at no charge so that you can ask questions and find out what all is involved. Usually, you need to fill out an application for this, but it is very important to do this. Treatments can be expensive and your life is involved. Investigate thoroughly!