Bio Stem Cell Genetics no longer sponsoring this forum


Pioneer Founding member
I have had several inquiries about the sponsor link for Bio Stem Cell Genetics no longer being on the forum. I made two attempts to contact Fredda Branyon who operates the clinic as to renewing her sponsorship and got no reply. There is no problem with that, however, I have received 3 e-mails stating that they got conflicting and misleading information from the patient liason/RN for the clinic and in one instance the person was treated poorly after telling the liason that she was going to explore other options. Without a response from Fredda Branyon herself, this is grounds to remove this company from our forum.

Another complaint is that there seems to be little follow up post treatment. It is with the greatest of hope that any clinic wanting to work towards actual cures and reversals of diseases will be documenting and doing follow up on their patients. Otherwise, how can they measure the success of their own treatments?

Sorry, but there are too many other good clinics out there to even consider a clinic that treats potential patients like this in my opinion. I will not red flag this clinic yet, but if I receive more complaints I will not hesitate to do so.
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