Bio-Matrix CEO speaks of new opportunities


Pioneer Founding member
SAN DIEGO--(Business Wire)--
Bio-Matrix Scientific Group, Inc. (OTCBB:BMSN) Chairman & CEO David Koos
commented on the Company`s new opportunities in stem cell research, cancer
treatment and intellectual property. Mr. Koos noted, "In the last 3 months we
have made substantial progress in areas we believe will be accretive for our
shareholders. It is my belief that our business model is far more balanced and
progressive today than we have previously been. The new opportunities on the
table for us now should diversify our revenue model and complement each other as
the Company grows. We see Entest BioMedical (OTCBB:ENTB) leading the way in
expanding the Company`s core business."

Recent Developments include:

Entering into discussions and due diligence process regarding a potential
mutually beneficial business arrangement with a biotech company that is in FDA
Fast Track for Phase 3 Clinical Trials on the development of a cancer treatment.

The execution of an agreement with Therinject LLC regarding, among other
matters, the development and marketing of a therapeutic cancer vaccine for
initial use in veterinary applications as well as the Company`s entry into Tumor
Cell Banking.

The filing of a patent application by Entest Biomedical for the use of adipose
(fat) derived stem cells in the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease (COPD).

Entering into discussions with a biomedical manufacturer to jointly produce a
medical device used in diabetes and cancer research.

About Bio-Matrix Scientific Group

Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc. (OTCBB:BMSN) is a biotech research and
development company headquartered in San Diego, Ca. with a 15,000 sq. ft.
facility that houses two secure cryogenic stem cell banks, three research
laboratories, aseptic cellular/tissue class 10,000/100 processing lab,
hematology, microbiology and flow cytometry laboratories.

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About Entest BioMedical Inc.:

Entest BioMedical Inc. (OTCBB:ENTB) is a majority owned subsidiary of Bio-Matrix
Scientific Group Inc. The Company is involved with the development of testing
procedures for diabetes, cancer treatment, stem cell research applications for
diabetes and other illnesses. The Company also is involved with medical device
development (including stem cell extraction instrumentation). Entest
BioMedical`s website is:


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