BAHAMAS, USA: First clinic to legally offer stem cell treatment after new legislation


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International Medical Travel Journal: News

BAHAMAS, USA: First clinic to legally offer stem cell treatment after new legislation

The Bahamas has new legislation on stem cell treatment, and sees it as a medical tourism attraction.

The Bahamas wants to be a global leader in the controversial area of stem cell research and treatment. Such treatment is not approved in many places including the USA, so the country sees potential in attracting high paying overseas customers to the Bahamas, particularly as it is only 50 miles from the USA. A new law, Stem Cell Therapy and Research Act, has just been passed.

Okyanos Heart Institute in Freeport is the first to receive regulatory approval from the National Stem Cell Ethics Committee (NSEC) to provide adult stem cell therapy in its new clinic and has now begun treating patients. The licensing includes approval for cardiac cell therapy, as well as cell therapy for tissue ischemia, autoimmune diseases, and other chronic neurological and orthopaedic conditions. The licensing criteria require that approved protocols be supported by peer-reviewed papers showing substantial evidence of safety and efficacy.

Okyanos cell therapy is available to patients with severe heart disease including coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure as well as patients with autoimmune diseases, orthopaedic, neurological and urological conditions. Okyanos cell therapy is performed in their new state-of-the-art facility built to exceed U.S. surgical.

With the regulatory and licensing approvals for adult stem cell therapy, Okyanos is the first to treat patients with cell therapy for severe heart disease and other unmet medical conditions based on a combination of internationally approved cell processing technology, technical papers, clinical trials and in-clinic use which provide the basis for a new standard of care.

The stem cell industry uses stem cells to provide therapy for patients of various ailments; such as using adult cells harvested from adult adipose, or fat, tissue for cardiac therapy.

Stem cells are able to transform into a number of different kinds of cells in the body, hence their vast potential for medical treatment.

A US investor plans to build a $100 million stem cell medical facility in The Bahamas. International fashion mogul Peter Nygard sees huge potential in offering legal treatment that is not available in the USA, "Stem cell therapy is the biggest discovery of our times. In stem cells we find all kinds of cures. Our own body can cure ourselves. Bahamas has one of the best gene pools in the world."

Medical tourism news20 March 2015