Advair Diskus


New member
What does everyone think about Advair Diskus? Do you use it? Any side affects? Also does or has anyone taken it befor bed time to off set oxygen desaturation during sleep, and were you able to sleep well if so?

Thank you.


Pioneer Founding member

Advair is a drug I take, but am hoping some day to never have to use again. I feel it contributes to weight gain for one thing. I also don't think it would do anything as far as raising saturation levels, at least it doesn't for me. It is a very common drug given to people with COPD and other breathing problems. If you have seen the commercial on TV where someone who supposedly has COPD takes a puff of Advair and then practically can leap in the air, in my opinion this person cannot suffer from much more than mild COPD. I have been able to cut my drug usage in half from previous levels after stem cell therapy and my supplement program, but I still take Advair. It simply treats the symptoms as well as it can, it does nothing to help reverse the cause of COPD and regenerate the lungs.


Pioneer Founding member
I think Advair is helpful for shortness of breath and opening up the bronchial tubes but it does nothing for oxygen saturation unless you are suffering a severe asthma attack. The side effects I have experienced are 30 pound weight gain in less than 3 years and occasional bouts of yeast infections.


New member
I took advair a few years back and glad I don't anymore. Messes with your bones to much! I would take Asthmanex instead..


New member

I've Been On Advair For A Number Of Years, I Have Gained Weight, But Then I'm Not Very Active Anymore---i Feel That It Helps Me, And Will Continue To Use It Until A Physician Takes Me Off It---


Pioneer Founding member

Do you think Asmanex works as well? I tried it for two weeks a few years ago and had more more SOB than ever before. within an hour of going back to Advair I was fine.


New member

I have been on Advair for about 5-6 years. It is not to be used as a rescue inhaler. I use it once in the morning and just before bed. I can't tell you if, in itself, it helps my O2 levels because I do a nebulizer treatment before bedtime also; and take the Advair afterwards.
I do know that when I've accidently missed my morning dose that I don't do as well during my day.


New member

Well, Iuse advair off and on.....Can't really tell that much of a difference...I guess every patient is different. However, you can get it, or the generic, much cheaper at use them for spiriva, advair, albuterol, and so forth....