A new face coming soon


Pioneer Founding member
ICMS is going to be making some major changes in the next few weeks to the www.safestemcells.org site. It will probably get a new name and a new face for sure. It will be more of a sounding board for those that want to leave their messages for others to see. I think you all will like it. I will make the announcement when it is ready.

One thing that I believe is missing in the minds of the politicians (and a lot of people for that matter) in the current debate on Health Care in the U.S. is that there is no mention of stem cells as a way to reverse many chronic conditions and also as a simple way to maintain good body health. Many stem cell doctors that I know do treat themselves. Not for disease, but as an anti-aging body rejuvenation therapy to keep themselves healthy. Staying healthy and restoring health would save this country (and the world) trillions of dollars. Stem cells are being touted as the holy grail of the medical world and yet this health plan is nothing more than business as usual. We all know what that means - endless drugs for everyone, treating symptoms and not the cause, research scams, not cures, and on and on. In other words, business as usual. It is very irritating to not be allowed to pay for stem cell treatment in the U.S. using my own stem cells and yet I am being asked to help foot a huge 1000 page plus health care plan that really does not promote health. It's not logical. It's insanity.


New member
Health Bill

I am a little confused about O'bama's health bill. Previously were told this would be a single payer plan, but news reports indicate that insurance is still running it. Does this mean that the new bill will reduce the insurance company's expenses? Or something else?

Not speaking for the rest of the country and just the state of California, I can state without hesitancy that California is capable of doing its own healthcare bill, but elected politicians chose not to. California prefers to fund county clinics instead of having dollars follow patients. In addition, many counties require employers with one or more employees to pay for health care and without taking into whether or not the small business can afford it. Other problems I see is that all HMOs are not under an elected insurance commissioner and under the Bureau of Managed Care.

I could go on and on. The point that I am making is that everyone is paying a lot of money and getting very little in return. I too am bothered by how the medical community, pharmaceutical industry, and politicians would rather support programs that treat illness as opposed to curing it. Even more troublesome is how they try to cover up or ignore the successes that have been going on in Europe and other countries in the areas of heart disease and liver disease. In the case of South Africa and Australia, human stem cell studies for heart disease were published approximately five years ago. How come this isn't going on in the USA? Phase I human liver regeneration studies using stem cells was published in 2006. And where is the USA on this?


Pioneer Founding member
Zee - You are such a go-getter. Please spread the word for ICMS. We do need to get the ball rolling in this country. We need to take back health care and make it an issue between patient and doctor. Urge everyone you know to join www.safestemcells.org We have to get the support for this grassroots effort and it takes each and everyone of us doing something about it.