1st Regenexx Experience to treat Avascular Necrosis (AVN) & arthritic hip-Marrow Draw


New member
1st Regenexx Experience to treat Avascular Necrosis (AVN) & arthritic hip-Marrow Draw

I have just completed the 1st Regenexx procedure at the CentenoSchultz Regenerative Sciences (Regenexx) Clinic in Broomsfield, Colorado. The first treatment consisted of a bone marrow draw in the iliac area, which is where the mesenchymal adult stem cells are found. The bone marrow draw is not really that painful, but a little uncomfortable, Dr. Centeno numbs the area well. While the procedure was taking place, I was thinking to myself that I was going to be very sore from the procedure, but suprisingly I was not that sore. I flew home the next morning and was back at work the next day.

Currently, Regenexx is growing the adult stem cells using the growth factors found in my own blood. Hopefully, they can grow a high number of cells. On Jan. 29 I then will have the adult stem cells re-injected into my left hip (in the hip bone to treat the AVN and between the joint to hopefully regenerate cartlidge). I will post the results of that next procedure.

On another note, being this is such a new treatment, I had questions going into this. For example, is Regenexx for real and are the patient testimonials on their website for real. So far, the answer seems to be Yes. I talked to a couple of past Regenexx patients before my procedure. They both had good things to say-it helped. Also, while I was there Dr. Centeno treated another doctor (The doctor being treated was getting a joint injected with his own adult stem cells). The doctor then returned to work. And, the walls of the CentenoSchultz Clinic display thanks of gratitude from the Denver Broncos to Dr. Centeno and Dr. Schultz. I was told that those NFL players were not treated with adult stem cells, but with some other form of treatment or operation. However, it still impressed me. So far, I have only met and talked with Dr. Centeno-he did the marrow draw, he is a nice guy. Dr. Schultz will do the re-injection, I hope I have good news to post after the next procedure.


New member
Regenexx Experience

I have just completed the 1st Regenexx procedure at the CentenoSchultz Regenerative Sciences (Regenexx) Clinic in Broomsfield, Colorado. The first treatment consisted of a bone marrow draw in the iliac area, which is where the mesenchymal adult stem cells are found. The bone marrow draw is not really that painful, but a little uncomfortable, Dr. Centeno numbs the area well. While the procedure was taking place, I was thinking to myself that I was going to be very sore from the procedure, but suprisingly I was not that sore. I flew home the next morning and was back at work the next day.

Currently, Regenexx is growing the adult stem cells using the growth factors found in my own blood. Hopefully, they can grow a high number of cells. On Jan. 29 I then will have the adult stem cells re-injected into my left hip (in the hip bone to treat the AVN and between the joint to hopefully regenerate cartlidge). I will post the results of that next procedure.

On another note, being this is such a new treatment, I had questions going into this. For example, is Regenexx for real and are the patient testimonials on their website for real. So far, the answer seems to be Yes. I talked to a couple of past Regenexx patients before my procedure. They both had good things to say-it helped. Also, while I was there Dr. Centeno treated another doctor (The doctor being treated was getting a joint injected with his own adult stem cells). The doctor then returned to work. And, the walls of the CentenoSchultz Clinic display thanks of gratitude from the Denver Broncos to Dr. Centeno and Dr. Schultz. I was told that those NFL players were not treated with adult stem cells, but with some other form of treatment or operation. However, it still impressed me. So far, I have only met and talked with Dr. Centeno-he did the marrow draw, he is a nice guy. Dr. Schultz will do the re-injection, I hope I have good news to post after the next procedure.
I was reading with interest your experience with this new treatment.I hope it works well for you. I have a relative who needs to have this type of treatment for the knee. Good Luck!:)


New member
Hope to hear REALLY Good News

I have just completed the 1st Regenexx procedure at the CentenoSchultz Regenerative Sciences (Regenexx) Clinic in Broomsfield, Colorado. The first treatment consisted of a bone marrow draw in the iliac area, which is where the mesenchymal adult stem cells are found. The bone marrow draw is not really that painful, but a little uncomfortable, Dr. Centeno numbs the area well. While the procedure was taking place, I was thinking to myself that I was going to be very sore from the procedure, but suprisingly I was not that sore. I flew home the next morning and was back at work the next day.

Currently, Regenexx is growing the adult stem cells using the growth factors found in my own blood. Hopefully, they can grow a high number of cells. On Jan. 29 I then will have the adult stem cells re-injected into my left hip (in the hip bone to treat the AVN and between the joint to hopefully regenerate cartlidge). I will post the results of that next procedure.

On another note, being this is such a new treatment, I had questions going into this. For example, is Regenexx for real and are the patient testimonials on their website for real. So far, the answer seems to be Yes. I talked to a couple of past Regenexx patients before my procedure. They both had good things to say-it helped. Also, while I was there Dr. Centeno treated another doctor (The doctor being treated was getting a joint injected with his own adult stem cells). The doctor then returned to work. And, the walls of the CentenoSchultz Clinic display thanks of gratitude from the Denver Broncos to Dr. Centeno and Dr. Schultz. I was told that those NFL players were not treated with adult stem cells, but with some other form of treatment or operation. However, it still impressed me. So far, I have only met and talked with Dr. Centeno-he did the marrow draw, he is a nice guy. Dr. Schultz will do the re-injection, I hope I have good news to post after the next procedure.

Very good to hear you've given this a chance! I wish you enormous success!

Robert E. Yorke


Pioneer Founding member
Thanks Josh

I am really pleased that we now have someone to give us personal experience information for this clinic. As you know, I have had problems getting together with them. They always respond quickly and seem very enthusiastic and then I hear nothing. I think this may be due to having a lot going on there. I am hoping that Dr. Schultz will host next month's Ask the Doctor forum as that is what I discussed with the company rep that called me and she thought he would be happy to do it. Now, I must continue to pin him down. If you think about it, the questions would not have to be restricted to orthopedic issues because what this company is doing could very well be expanded into other areas.