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  1. D

    Stem Cell of America Clinic/Someone know about it?

    Hello, I am very interested in this clinic: Stem Cell Of America, the doctor in charge is Dr. William C. Rader, he used to have clinic in Bahamas and closed and went to Dominic Republic, and I think the name of the company is or used to be Medra, Inc/Stem Cell of America. He uses fetal stem...
  2. D

    name of reputable clinics professionals/SCT for muscular dystrophy

    Hello, My name is Dani, and I am 42 years old and have muscular dystrophy FSH, I was losing hope, but notice good news about stem cell therapy available here in USA. I am in the beginning of my research and 3 things keep coming to my mind: 1) I believe is great that some medical professionals...