Recent content by Fas

  1. F

    Mannitol- a sugar alcohol PLUS cells to help combatting neurological disorders?

    I came across this article on the - which I thought was very interesting. Anybody on this board has heard about treatments using Mannitol to "open up" the BBB followed by MSCs of some sort after that? Artificial sweeteners may have some complicated side-effects or...
  2. F

    Arthritis cured by stem cell injection

    Most of us know this aint new- animals (horses and dogs) have been succesfully treated by the thousands and Stan Jones got treated in Japan with fat cells. Thereto there have been several anecdotal stories on treatments from Mexican clinics. A spanish company is doing a Phase II in Europe - an...
  3. F

    Why Belly Fat Isn't All Bad

    ="" ScienceDaily (June 6, 2012) — A fatty membrane in the belly called the omentum has until recently been considered somewhat like the appendix -- it didn't seem to serve much purpose. But Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of...
  4. F

    Court case against Zannos Grekos

    This was in my AHA mail of today and might interest you- article link here since I am not sure if you can get to the article - i just past and copy here-I know Zannos Grekos has helped quite a few cardiac patients with his EPC procedure from peripheral blood, but dont know about this one-...
  5. F

    About mistletoe, alternative medicine and the state of the US health industry

    Today I wrote an article for my website, which was meant to be a visionary outlook on the chance for stem cell therapy to succeed in the US. I got to that particular "stage of development" through reviewing the inherent structure of the US medical system and its watch-dog i.e policeforce, the...
  6. F

    Emerson Perin and the Austin Forum

    barbara announced the event I believe- but whats even better-you can watch a recording of it at youtube. To me Emerson Perin is the "senior cardiac guy" in the US -his "competition" if one can say that, would be Sherman, Joshua Hare and Amit Patel in my mind- who has been involved in many...
  7. F

    Hi- I am Fas and this is my story

    I made it a New Years resolution to introduce myself to this forum, so actually since today is only January 2, we seem to be doing OK. As I said in the heading- I am Fas- thats my real name- I am a Dutchman living in Germany, aged 62, married to a German lady and we have two sons together...