How often Stem cells Therapy be repeated


New member
These days a lot of clinics are doing Stem Cells Therapy in India. Different clinics have their different protocols. Few advise to give a shot of bone marrow stem cells every month for three months. But while talking to other doctors, they believe that repeated stem cell procedures can increase the risk of tumor. I believe more the number of stem cells, more they will be effective, but at the same time i do not want to take any risk for my 3 year old boy. As there is no standard or proven protocol, i am in dilemma what to do. Please advise.


Pioneer Founding member
I think you should send your question to Barbara for next month's Ask the Doctor. It's an excelent question and I don't think it's been asked before.


Pioneer Founding member
usmaggu - I believe you would need to consider the type of stem cells and the number of those originally given because not all stem cells are alike. If you were talking embryonic stem cells, the answer would be vastly different in my opinion than autologous stem cells. I will submit your question to the host doctor this month as I agree with Jeannine that the question is a good one.